Welcome to IQ-station.org, a community hub for open-hardware low-cost virtual reality.
Our goal is to bring together practitioners interested in learning and sharing about the materials and methods to create working virtual reality systems from commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and open-source (as well as some commercial) software.
The primary repository for our community information is the wiki (wiki.iq-station.org). The wiki is available for public reading, with editing access available by request.
The name stems from the qualities of the COTS-based product: Inexpensive Interactive Immersive Interface (I-quaded-, or IQ-) station [Sherman 2010] (though our community is open to those who use other names).
Some topics covered in the wiki include:
- Discussion of 3DTV technologies and models
- Information about low-cost tracking solutions
- Applications known to work well on IQ-stations
There are many institutions working on similarly inspired systems:
Welcome to the community, and please join the discussion.